Fliegenfischen an der Lieser
Fly fishing in the picturesque Lieser Valley in Manderscheid offers a unique experience for anglers. Fly fishing is possible along two sections of the Lieser: the Herrenau stretch and the Burgen stretch. A fishing permit can only be issued with a minimum stay of two nights in one of the nearby towns, such as Manderscheid, Meerfeld, Großlittgen, Eisenschmitt, Laufeld, or Pantenburg. Proof of stay is required through a spa card or room reservation. Fishing permits are available exclusively at the GesundLand Tourist Information in Manderscheid.
Fly fishing is only allowed with a valid fishing license, and the fishing season lasts from approximately mid-March to mid-October. Further conditions can be found on the permit, and the state's fishing regulations must be observed.