Heimatmuseum und Gemeinde- und Vereinsarchiv

Heimatmuseum und Gemeinde- und Vereinsarchiv


The cultural and local history association operates its local history museum, in which numerous private collections are bundled and agricultural equipment is also saved from oblivion, at two locations.

Since 2011 with the partial use of the former bus hall of the Brohltalbahn behind the Niederzissen train station for the mainly agricultural equipment and in 2019 by taking over a vacated classroom in the old school on the market square.

By far the largest part of the unique items of any kind, handicraft, kitchen and household equipment exhibited in the old school comes from the private collection of the late association member Heinz Schröder, who left his complete collection and his extensive archive material by contract to the KuHV under the patronage of the municipality. This collection includes, among other things, old children's games, which today are increasingly forgotten.

Simultaneously with the opening of the museum of local history, the archive of the municipality and its associations started its operation in the former assembly hall of the old school on the market square under the leadership of the Kultur- und Heimatverein (KuHV).

Essentially, the start was based on the collection of the late association member Heinz Schröder. By agreement, the KuHV had "taken over the collections, archives and records for inventory protection, further research and museum processing", as it says in the agreement. Approximately 150 files with newspaper articles and documents, all official bulletins of the Brohltal community since their introduction in 1974 and countless photographs fill several rows of rules.

However, the archive is also supposed to be the custodian of estates for associations that dissolve and hand over their files and association objects to the archive. This has already been done by two former associations, the Eifelverein OGZissen and the Männergesangverein (former MGV). All those interested in history, club representatives celebrating an anniversary and anyone who would like to take a look at the past are called upon to visit the archive, gladly in conjunction with the local history museum.

Openings and guided tours, also in combination with the community and association archives on request at the culture and local history association, Tel.: 02636-6482 or Email: info@khv-niederzissen.de.

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Opening hours

  • From January 1st to December 31st
    00:00 - 23:59

    00:00 - 23:59

    00:00 - 23:59

    00:00 - 23:59

    00:00 - 23:59

    00:00 - 23:59

    00:00 - 23:59




Kultur- und Heimatverein Niederzissen e.V.
Bächelsberg 49
56651 Niederzissen
Phone: (0049) 2636 6482

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