Webereimuseum Höfen

Webereimuseum Höfen


The Weaving Mill Museum Höfen accommodates a piece of historic industrial culture from the North Eifel: Four of the last remaining looms from the time of the small weaving mills in the Altkries Monschau. The waged weavers located in Höfen, Konzen or Roetgen, among other locations, particularly worked for the cloth factories in the Aachen region up to the 70s of the 20th century.

The exhibit shows four looms and two winding machines that are fully functional and are demonstrated within the framework of sightseeing tours.

Cost: Adults 2.00 €, school children up 14 years 1.50 €

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Webereimuseum Höfen
Hauptstr. 123
52156 Monschau-Höfen
Phone: +49 2472 2599

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