Wolfsschlucht Horngraben
A geological highlight awaits you, the nature lover and hiker, in the Wolfsschlucht. Former lava flows from the Mosenberg crater have carved their way into the valley, now presenting themselves as basalt columns to be admired. You can observe how the lava slid into the valley and solidified into columns as it cooled.
In earlier times, these basalt blocks were quarried. Human hands and the water of the "Horngraben" stream have contributed to the discovery, now offering a challenging yet navigable hike up through the Wolfsschlucht. Certainly, the upward direction is easier to tackle.
Just be cautious as you approach the site from above and do not stray from the designated path.
The VulkaMaar Path leads you through the Wolfsschlucht towards the Mosenberg Volcano Experience Park.