Day trip destinations | Holidays in the Eifel
Ausflugsziele Eifel - Burg Reifferscheid, © Eifel Tourismus GmbH/D. Ketz

Day trip destinations


The Eifel has a large selection of day trip destinations to offer.

Attractions such as castles and palaces remind us of times gone by. Historic town centres invite visitors to take a closer look at their half-timbered houses, or take a leisurely stroll through their narrow streets. Museums present exciting information about the Eifel. In the summer, swimming pools offer a chance to cool off - while bathing in the maars makes for a very special experience. Animal and leisure parks are popular with children in particular.

The Eifel viewpoints offer a particularly memorable view onto the landscape. They are situated on towers or have been built especially for the purpose.


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