Der Paulusdamm trennt den Obersee und Rursee voneinander., © Eifel Tourismus GmbH, AR-shapefruit AG
  • Distance: 16.7 km
  • Duration: 4:30 h
  • Difficulty: easy

Water Landscape Route


The sound of rushing water and the scents of the forest fill the air. Your breathing eases and your spirit has time to recuperate its energy. Close to nature, here on the premium "Wasserlandroute", you are close to nature and enjoy a stunning glimpse of Eifel's water country... or our very own Amazon, as we like to say here.

Of course, water is the star of this circular trail – backed by an incredible supporting cast of scenery featuring dense deciduous forests and vast meadows. The trail, a partner route to the Eifelsteig, is an ideal combination of waterways, woodland and meadows, making it the perfect encapsulation of everything that makes the Eifel National Park great. Extra tip: there are plenty of great places to picnic along the way.

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Marking of the tour:

  • Wegmarkierung Wanderweg Wasserlandroute
gpx: Partnerweg-des-Eifelsteigs-Wasserlandroute

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Along the route

Nationalpark Eifel

Blick auf Nationalpark, © NLPForstamtMartinWeisgerber

Set in a dramatic landscape of woods interspersed with water, the Eifel National Park will allow you to experience the fascinating natural diversity of a wilderness at first hand. For in this large protection area some 65 kilometres southwest of Cologne, nature has been left once more to its own eternal cycle of growth and decay.

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Blick auf die Urfttalperrre im Nationalpark Eifel, © Eifel Tourismus GmbH, Dennis Stratmann-finanziert durch REACT-EU
The Urft Dam is the oldest valley dam in the Eifel and is located in the middle of the Eifel National Park. At the time, the dam was planned as the largest structure in Europe. Construction of the 266 m long wall made of quarry stones began in 1899 - in May 1905 the dam was filled with water for the first time. In addition to flood protection and energy generation, the aim of the hydraulic engineering measure was to supply the region with drinking water. With a length of 12 km, a width of up to 1 km and a maximum depth of 52 m, Lake Urft has a capacity of 45.5 million cubic metres. Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) Details ansehen


Fahrt durch den Nationalpark Eifel, © Eifel Tourismus GmbH, D. Ketz

Explore Rursee and Obersee by boat

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Wassergarten Einruhr

Wassergarten Einruhr, © Eifel Tourismus GmbH, AR-shapefruit AG
Water garden at the Heilsteinhaus in Einruhr. Details ansehen

Hotel-Restaurant Haus am See

Haus am See, © Rursee-Touristik GmbH
Café and restaurant with regional specialties Details ansehen

Ausflugslokal Urfttalsperre

Gastro, © Nordeifel Tourismus GmbH
In the middle of the Eifel National Park lies our excursion restaurant, with a magnificent view and a good home-style ambience. Details ansehen
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More information about this route

Start: Einruhr

Destination: Einruhr

Distance: 16.7 km

Duration: 4:30 h

Difficulty: easy

Ascent: 371 m

Descent: 371 m

Eifel Tourismus GmbH

Kalvarienbergstraße 1
54595 Prüm
Phone: +49 6551 96560

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