Geomuseums in the volcanic Eifel | UNESCO volcanic Eifel geopark | Nature | Holidays in the Eifel

Geomuseums in the volcanic Eifel

The volcanic Eifel region contains a large number of scientific phenomena that are unique in the world in this form, and which are of great international interest among researchers and scientists. Current research projects repeatedly bring new insights, but also throw up new questions.

The geomuseums in the volcanic Eifel are collection and information points in relation to this exciting study of creation, change and transience. They are the key to understanding this fascinating landscape and its history. Each museum has its thematic focal areas and is dedicated to the corresponding facets of geoscientific, but also special natural history-related, historical, cultural and technical features of the volcanic Eifel.

The common basic education principle is understanding through experiencing. Through our senses - seeing, touching, smelling, hearing - it becomes possible to “get to grips”, in the literal sense of the word, with even complex phenomena. The target group is broad, and there are new things to discover even for knowledgeable scientists. Children and young adults are introduced to topics in a playful way, with a “fun factor”. Often, accompanying or more in-depth events are offered by the museums. These include guided museum tours, excursions, workshops, lectures, exhibitions, and programmes for children and school pupils.

Yo find an overview of the Geomuseums on our german website.

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