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Kirche St. Kastor und Katharina, © Foto: Svenja Schulze-Entrup, Quelle: Touristik-Büro Vordereifel

Kirche St. Kastor und Katharina in Kehrig


The parish church of Kehrig, consecrated by Karden, and the tithe belonged to the Castor monastery in Karden until 1802. 1656 owned the church of Kehrig, which after de Lorenzi from the 13th / 14th. It is said to have originated in the 18th century, three altars…

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Kirche St. Pankratius - Kaisersesch, © Schieferland Kaisersesch

Kirche St. Pankratius


The feature landmark of the town is the leaning church tower from the 13th century, which has turned its top towards the west wind.

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Pfarrkirche St. Stephanus, © Svenja Schulze-Entrup, Touristik-Büro Vordereifel

Kirche St. Stephanus in Nachtsheim


The parish church of St. Stephanus in Nachtsheim from 1971 can be seen from afar due to its unique roof construction and its modern construction.

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Eifelsteig-2019-158-Kloster Niederehe, © Eifel Tourismus GmbH, Dominik Ketz

Kirche und Kloster in Niederehe


Especially worth seeing is the old monastery church in Niederehe, the oldest parts of the church dates from the 12th century.



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Schankweiler Klause, Start und Ziel am Klausnerweg, © Eifel Tourismus GmbH, D. Ketz

Klausnerweg Route

Lenght: 16.7 km
Route: Wanderparkplatz Schankweiler Klause to Wanderparkplatz Schankweiler Klause
Difficulty: medium

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Burg_, © Nordeifel Tourismus GmbH



The Kleeburg is privately owned and a location for weddings and events.

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Kleines Museum (innen), © Jochen Hank

Kleines Museum Bolsdorf


In the ''Little Museum'' you can find old and almost forgotten objects


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Klettern im Kottenheimer  Winfeld, © Hendrik Kardinal

Klettern "Ettringer Lay" und "Kottenheimer Winfeld"


Climbing in the former quarry

Override the laws of gravity. Smooth slabs, overhangs and fireplaces become a fascinating experience and guarantee an adventure that will be remembered for a long time to come.


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Klettern, © Martin Müller

Klettern am Felsen "Hustley" im Naturschutzgebiet


From now on, tickets for climbing Hustley Rock can be purchased again!
In addition to the sale in the Tourist Information Gerolstein, the climbing tickets can now also be purchased online in our ticket shop!.

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Logo Kletterwald Vulkanpark, © Freiraum Erlebnis

Kletterwald Vulkanpark


The Kletterpark is a recreational outdoor facility in the forest of Mayen for families. High up in the trees you can safely climb through a special parcour. Meals are provided at the location aswell.

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