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Der_Silberpfeil, © TI Hocheifel-Nürburgring, Jonathan_Andrews



Arrow of silver
BIRTH OF THE "ARROW OF SILVER". How did the "Arrow of Silver" get its name and where did it come from?.

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Hist. Senfmühle, © Eifel Tourismus GmbH, Dennis Stratmann

Historische Senfmühle


Find your favourite mustard among a total of 22 different kinds. Look over the mustard miller´s shoulder during his work.


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Stadmodell Bitburg weiß, © TI Bitburger Land

city model of Bitburg


This model shows three historical stages of Bitburg's development on a scale of 1:400.

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Dreisbachmühle, © Tourist-Information Hocheifel, Daniela Schmitz

Dreisbachmühle - Historical mill


Historic mill | Dreisbachmühle.

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Pfarrkirche St. Nikolaus, © Foto: Svenja Schulze-Entrup, Quelle: Touristik-Büro Vordereifel

Katholische Pfarrkirche St. Nikolaus in Kottenheim


The exact construction and origination times of the Catholic Parish Church of St. Nicholas are not known. A first church is expected to be in 1330, and further buildings are expected to be in 1406 and 1519. The tower was built in 1772.

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Kirche Ettringen St. Maximin und Anna, © Foto: Svenja Schulze-Entrup, Quelle: Touristik-Büro Vordereifel

Katholische Pfarrkirche St. Maximin und Anna


Today's church in Ettringen certainly had several predecessors at this point on the Kirchberg. In 1616 St. Maximinus is mentioned for the first time as patron. The foundation stone of today's church - according to plans by the Cologne architect Vinzenz Statz - was laid on June 9th, 1857 and 4 years later, on September 4th, 1861, the inauguration by Bishop Wilhelm Arnoldi took place…

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Eingangsbereich, © Andreas Kurth

Museumsbahnhof Ahütte


Welcome to the cultural monument

"Historical train station Üxheim-Ahütte"

Your journey through time can begin.


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Die Schutzengelkapelle in Herresbach, © Foto: Laura Rinneburger, Quelle: Touristik-Büro Vordereifel

Schutzengelkapelle in Herresbach


The Guardian Angel Chapel at Hauptstraße 8 in Herresbach was built in 1843 from local quarry stones called "Grauwacke" and is now a protected cultural monument. It is under the patronage of the holy guardian angels and the apostle Matthias.

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Sidinger Drees, © Touristik GmbH Gerolsteiner Land

Sidinger Drees


This was or is probably the most famous Drees in the Gerolsteiner Land, even if mineral water no longer bubbles here. The Kyll valley has one of its narrowest places here, the Kyll itself is only a few meters wide. Since the Devonian limestone and dolomite rocks are heavily fissured and karstized underground, there were and still are sufficient transport and ascent routes for the mineral water…

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Fescher, © Deutsch-Luxemburgische Tourist-Information



The sculpture "De Fescher" is located near the water mouth of Mosel and Sauer.
It is near the ferry and the "Spatz" (lowest part of Luxembourg).
The fisherman is part of the local cultural trail.


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