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Matronenheiligtum Nettersheim, © Eifel Tourismus GmbH, D. Ketz

Archäologischer Landschaftspark


Formerly a Roman settlement on the important Roman road between Trier and Cologne, today a tranquil place for cultural and scenic enjoyment: Marcomagus in the Archaeological Landscape Park.


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Gildehaus in Blankenheim, © Eifel Touismus GmbH, Dominik Ketz
Informationen zur Barrierefreiheit

Erlebnisraum Römerstraße - Infozentrum Gildehaus Blankenheim


100,000 kilometres in length, the impressive network of roads served the cohesion and administration of the gigantic Roman Empire. The so-called “Erlebnisraum Römerstraße” (Roman Road Adventure Experience) opens up interesting paths in the history of the Rhineland and makes them come alive in a new way…

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Kunst, © Pixabay

Kunsthof Greven

Bad Münstereifel

In the highlands of Bad Münstereifel, in the midst of a unique Eifel landscape with hills and valleys, meadows, forests and fields, you will find the Kunsthof Greven on a restored half-timbered farm with 7500 square metres of surrounding land. Over the past few years, an artistic gem has been created there that is second to none…

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Wildenburg, © Compass



The romantically situated Wildenburg near Hellenthal is the only hilltop castle in the Euskirchen district that has not been destroyed. Wildenburg Castle was founded by the Reifferscheiders in the 12th century.

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Kleines Museum (innen), © Jochen Hank

Kleines Museum Bolsdorf


In the ''Little Museum'' you can find old and almost forgotten objects


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Bücherei Prüm CD-Filme, © Bücherei Prüm, CK

Zentralbücherei Prüm


At the Zentralbücherei Prüm in the Konvikt - Haus der Kultur, visitors can choose from a total offer of more than 21,000 media.

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Theodore Dreiser Haus und Obertor

Theodore Dreiser Haus und Obertor


In the Theodore Dreiser House at the Obertor you can find the public library and the tourist information of the city of Mayen.

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Skulpturengarten Weißenseifen, © Tourist-Information Prümer Land

Weißenseifen Künstlersiedlung


The artists' settlement White Soaps has existed for more than 50 years. It is located in the middle of the Eifel, surrounded by forest and calm on a high plateau above the Kylltal.
The town with its 50 inhabitants is characterized by the artists working here and their visible works…

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Foyer Haus Beda, © Tourist-Information Bitburger Land

Haus Beda - Arts and Cultural Centre


The Haus Beda, is a cultural centre with a mixture of arts, education, entertainment and a museum.


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Schmugglerstatue Mützenich, © Jaqueline Huppertz

Der Schmuggler


The bronze statue at the old customs office in Mützenich recalls the post-war years of the former smuggler village of Mützenich, which was characterized by coffee smuggling, which looks back on an exciting and exciting past and comes up with some curious stories…

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