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Schwarzmeer Kosaken Chor, © Klaus Manns

Dec 13, 2024 Konzert Schwarzmeer Kosaken Chor -Peter Orloff


Christmas concert with Peter Orloff and the Black Sea Cossack Choir.

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Stadttour, © Molter

Nov 9, 2024 Auf Spurensuche zu den Schauplätzen der Eifelkrimis


guided tour to crime locations.

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Blick von der Brücke ins Fachwerkdorf, © Kappest Remet

Oct 3, 2024 - Dec 31, 2024 Monreal im "Mondschein"


Around 1-hour guided tour by lantern light through the half-timbered village of Monreal. Dates: all year round, by appointment .

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Logo OG Daleiden

Oct 26, 2024 Rundwanderung Lützkampen


The Eifelverein Daleiden-Dasburg offers a guided hike near Lützkampen.

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Klosterruine Mädburg, © Svenja Schulze-Entrup

Oct 13, 2024 leckerMYK - Wein und Kürbis: Auf Schritt und Tritt


This autumn, "Eifelfan" Heinz Linz and "Kichererbse Eventcatering" invite you to a unique pleasure hike through the picturesque Elz Valley, where all participants can experience the combination of wine and pumpkin at every turn.

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Plakat Stein- und Burgfest, © Stadt Mayen

Sep 12, 2025 - Sep 14, 2025 74. Stein-und Burgfest


On the second weekend in September, the traditional stone and castle festival always attracts numerous people from Mayen and the surrounding area to the town center. A varied program awaits them all every year. On Saturday and Sunday, the craftsmen's and farmers' market at Genovevaburg Castle and in the castle gardens offers new and tried-and-tested products…

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Langstsreckenserie, © PressefotoNuerburgring@GruppeCPohotography

Nov 16, 2024 Nürburgring Langstreckenserie NLS 6


Adjustment drives to the Nürburgring long-distance series.

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Buchenwald Schönecker Schweiz, © Tourist-Information Prümer Land, Seb. Wiesen

Oct 5, 2024 - Oct 13, 2024 Lama-Wanderung an Magische Orte


For a whole day we explore the magical places in Schönecker Switzerland.

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Grand-Prix-Strecke 2, © Sebastian Schulte

Oct 11, 2024 - Oct 13, 2024 ADAC Westfalen Trophy (Finale ADAC Racing Weekend)


With great racing program.

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Stadt Prüm, HdJ, 2. Etage, © Tourist-Information Prümer Land/PM Studios

Nov 22, 2024 - Nov 24, 2024 HDJ Prüm Mädchenwochenende


We're having a really good time, lots of fun is guaranteed!.

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