Dichtung und Wahrheit auf Schloss Bürresheim - Das tapfere Schneiderlein

Dichtung und Wahrheit auf Schloss Bürresheim - Das tapfere Schneiderlein

Jul 14, 2024

St. Johann

A puppet theatre piece (very loosely based on the Brothers Grimm) for and about courage and cunning, about show-offs, scaredy-cats and rascals. Including: a unicorn, a wild sow, two or three giants, a player and, of course, the tailor.

An inverted wagon becomes the stage. The fairy tale is mainly performed with table figures. Recommended for children aged four and over.

An event as part of the ‘Poetry and Truth at Bürresheim Castle’ series.

Start: 14:30
Duration: approx. 50 minutes
Location: Bürresheim Castle, Ancestral Hall, in the garden in fine weather
Cost: 5 euros per person
Registration: please register at buerresheim@gdke.rlp.de or call 02651 / 76440

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  • Only at July 14, 2024
    At 14:30


Schloss Bürresheim
56727 St. Johann


Generaldirektion Kulturelles Erbe Rheinland-Pfalz
Schloss Bürresheim
56727 St. Johann
Phone: (0049) 02651 76440
Fax: (0049) 02651 902410

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