Die „määrchenhafte“ Holzmaar-Gruppe

Die „määrchenhafte“ Holzmaar-Gruppe

Oct 13, 2024


...with one of the best-researched maars in the Eifel and yet a little-known treasure. Simply ‘fabulously’ beautiful with special insights. On a flexible walk, you will learn more about the history and experience what a maar can be. Let yourself be surprised when Holzmaar, Dürre Maar and Hetsche Maar tell their exciting stories. They have seen a lot and lived through many changes. Now the three maars are also the habitat of many endangered plants and animals.

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  • Only at October 13, 2024
    At 10:30


Keltenweg 7
54558 Gillenfeld


Gästeführungen Doris Hamm
Keltenweg 7
54558 Gillenfeld

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