Einmal um die ganze Welt
May 23, 2025
St. Johann
Take a musical journey around the world with the Tschida Ensemble.
The trio presents the most beautiful songs from around the globe in an entertaining and cheerful way. Some of you won't be able to stop singing along, which is all the more enjoyable thanks to the wonderful support from the piano.
The Tschida Ensemble: Alexandra Tschida: soprano / Petra Schwarzkopf: mezzo-soprano / Ilse König: electric piano
Date: 23.05.2025, 18:00 h
Duration: approx. 90 min. + break
Costs: 10,00 € p.p.
Registration: required at buerresheim(at)gdke.rlp.de or phone +49 (0)2651 76440