Kinderprogramm: Bacherlebnis

Kinderprogramm: Bacherlebnis

Jul 25, 2025 - Aug 8, 2025


We gently step into a shallow stream and attentively observe the water as well as the underside of the stones to discover invertebrates. With great care, we collect these creatures and place them in a water-filled bowl for closer examination under a magnifying glass. Their identification is based on images and features indicative of their species.

At the same time, we collect important environmental parameters by measuring the temperature and pH level of the stream water. This data provides us with valuable insights into the health of the ecosystem. A balanced ratio of these parameters indicates good water quality, while extreme deviations may point to potential sources of pollution.

Our central question is whether the water in the stream is clean or polluted. The results of our investigation, regarding both the invertebrates and the environmental parameters, help us to answer this question and plan further actions for the preservation of the ecosystem.

After thoroughly examining the creatures, we release them back into their natural habitat. This step is crucial to maintaining the ecological balance of the stream and ensuring that the system remains intact.

Organizer: Maarmuseum Manderscheid, Guide: Karl Weiler
Meeting Point: Parking lot at Hotel Heidsmühle by the bridge, 54531 Manderscheid
Duration: Approx. 2 hrs. & 2 km, flat path
Price: 5.00 EUR per child & adult, families 12.00 EUR

Book online here now!

Please wear rubber boots and bring a towel!
Guests participate at their own risk.
There is no liability on the part of the supervisor and the museum association.

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  • July 25, 2025
    14:00 to 16:00
  • August 8, 2025
    14:00 to 16:00


Mosenbergstr. 22
54531 Manderscheid


Maarmuseum Manderscheid
Wittlicher Str. 11
54531 Manderscheid
Phone: +49 6572 - 920312

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