Kraft schöpfen - zur Ruhe kommen! Besinnen, bewegen und begreifen...

Kraft schöpfen - zur Ruhe kommen! Besinnen, bewegen und begreifen...

Apr 27, 2025 - Oct 26, 2025


The hike begins and ends at the Willow Chapel. On the circular hiking trail near Himmerod Monastery, you will experience nature and creation with all your senses. Along the way, we are inspired by the texts on the stone pillars. We let the texts have an effect on us. Let your thoughts run free and enjoy the moment of reflection. The intensive contact with the environment and your own self is enriched by small exercises, food for thought and texts. The aim is to focus our attention on ourselves and nature, to calm down, recharge our batteries and experience a sense of well-being. During a short meditation in the willow chapel, we say goodbye to this contemplative place, which will hopefully give you a lot of strength and peace. Not suitable for baby carriages and wheelchairs.

Please remember to wear sturdy shoes and weatherproof clothing. This offer can also be booked for groups on other dates by prior arrangement.

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  • April 27, 2025
    13:00 to 16:00
  • October 26, 2025
    13:00 to 16:00


54534 Großlittgen/Himmerod


Christa Finken
Phone: +49 6597 3633

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