Mit Wolli durch die Tuchfabrik

Mit Wolli durch die Tuchfabrik

Mar 16, 2025


The hand puppets, marionettes and shadow plays bring everyday factory life back to life in a dramatic, surprising and imaginative way.

Time: 11.30 am and 1.30 pm
Cost: 8€ adults, 4€ children (from 5 years)
Location: Euskirchen-Kuchenheim, LVR-Industriemuseum Tuchfabrik Müller, Carl-Koenen-Str. 25b
Info-Tel.: 02234. 9921555

Limited number of participants, registration required!

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At a glance


  • March 16, 2025
    11:30 to 12:40
    and 13:30 to 14:40


Carl-Koenen-Str. 25b
53881 Euskirchen-Kuchenheim


LVR-Industriemuseum Tuchfabrik Müller
Carl-Koenen-Str. 25b
53881 Euskirchen-Kuchenheim
Phone: (0049) 2234 9921555

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