Natura 2000 - ein Beitrag zur Erhaltung der Artenvielfalt

Natura 2000 - ein Beitrag zur Erhaltung der Artenvielfalt

Jul 5, 2025


... then it's high time you discovered the diversity of the Volcanic Eifel in this context. The term Natura 2000 stands for a European network of protected areas (Fauna-Flora-Habitat (FFH) and bird sanctuaries), which contributes to the preservation of biodiversity in Europe. Some of these natural treasures can also be found in the Volcanic Eifel.
Let us invite you on a guided adventure hike through the FFH area "Eifelmaare". Together we will explore, for example, the "lowland meadows", a so-called habitat type (LRT), which is frequently found at the Schalkenmehren maar. The characteristic plant species of this habitat type will be identified and explained in the field.

Price: EUR 15.00 per person
Meeting point: 54552 Schalkenmehren, Maarstr. 2, Touristik-Info
Info/registration required: Hanspeter Mußler, Mobile: 0151 59113474, E-Mail:

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  • Only at July 5, 2025
    At 10:00


Touristinformation, Maarstraße 2
54552 Schalkenmehren


Hanspeter Mußler
Phone: +49 151 59113474

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