Nikolausmarkt - Krammarkt

Nikolausmarkt - Krammarkt

Dec 2, 2025


The markets in the city are also a must in the run-up to Christmas.

The last quarterly market always takes place on the Tuesday after the first Advent and offers an opportunity to browse and buy on the market square and in the pedestrian zone with numerous stalls.

Around 50 traders offer goods of all kinds. Between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m., market strollers have the opportunity to discover the many stalls on offer.

In addition to Christmas gifts, you will also find fruit, flowers, household goods, ceramics, clothing, tools, toys, curtains, cleaning products, spices, hats, gloves, arts and crafts, candles, leather goods, kitchen utensils, steel and wood goods, umbrellas, jewelry, tablecloths and much more.

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  • Only at December 2, 2025
    At 08:00


56727 Mayen


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56727 Mayen
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Pferdemarkt, © Marktamt Stadt Mayen

Lukasmarkt - Pferdemarkt
Oct 14, 2025

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Halbfastenmarkt Mayen, © Stadt Mayen

Halbfastenmarkt - Krammarkt
Mar 25, 2025

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