Nix wie raus… hautnah die Natur erleben - Eine Erlebnisführung
Jul 7, 2025 - Aug 4, 2025
On a walk through the forest we get to know our forest. Which trees grow there? Animals and plants make us curious. We find and identify leaves and flowers as well as traces of the native forest animals. We listen to the chirping of the birds, which sounds very different depending on the time of the year and the time of day. We observe butterflies, discover caterpillars and beetles and enjoy the variety of insects that enliven the forest.
See you soon - In the forest
Price: adults € 8.00, children (up to 12 years) € 5.00
Meeting place: 54570 Densborn, Schulstraße 1, Gemeindehaus - Old School
Information/registration required: Elisabeth Galter, mobile: 0171 7523164, email:
Minimum number of participants: 5 persons