Nordeifel Mordeifel: JoSi's Mörderdinner

Nordeifel Mordeifel: JoSi's Mörderdinner

Sep 3, 2024


JoSi's murder dinner - literary and culinary seduction.
From 31 August to 8 September, fear and terror lurk in and around the Eifel National Park.

Author: Ralf Kramp

The way to the heart is through the stomach, but this evening is going to be quite criminal: Enjoy Ralf Kramp's murderous reading art and JoSi's regional culinary delights, which are completely without risks and side effects for you ... and maybe Ralf's protagonist will be lucky and his big dream of catching a culprit once in his life, who is being searched for on the XY file number, will come true ... You can look forward not only to his brand new short thriller "Clues that lead to catching the culprit" from the anthology "Nord-eifel Mordeifel 2", but also to one or two lively crime stories, all of which show that many a meal can be a marvellous murder weapon ...

Let JoSi's team spoil you with culinary delights in the lovingly furnished new restaurant and experience the thrill of criminal machinations that take place right on your doorstep. If you would prefer a vegetarian menu or would like to have a to work out and switch off at the aktivpark Kall, please call 02441. 4747!

JoSi's Restaurant
Auelstr. 40
53925 Kall

Time: 19.30 hrs, 19.00 hrs admission
Cost: 55€ incl. an Eifel Frizz as a welcome drink and menu
Location: Kall, Restaurant JoSi's, Auelstr. 40
Info-Tel.: 02441. 994570

Advance ticket sales at   

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  • Only at September 3, 2024
    At 19:30


Auelstr. 40
53925 Kall


JoSi's Restaurant
Auelstr. 40
53925 Kall
Phone: +49 2441 6086

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