Ostereier-Suche im Besucherbergwerk Grube Bendisberg

Ostereier-Suche im Besucherbergwerk Grube Bendisberg

Apr 20, 2025


On Easter Sunday, March 31, 2024, the Easter Bunny will come again to the Bendisberg mine near St. Jost - Langenfeld in the Vordereifel. For children from 4 to 10 years, he will hide Easter eggs and sweets in the Middle Iron Hero Mine. Equipped with a helmet, a lamp and a bucket, the children will go into the tunnel with a mine guide for an exciting search. The Easter egg hunt, which lasts about 45 minutes, takes place in groups with a maximum of six children.
The price per child is 15 €, one accompanying person is free in each case. Since the number of participants is limited, early registration is requested, which is also a prerequisite for participation.
Meeting place is the "Bergmannshütte" located directly at the mine (In der Eisenkaul 2, 56729 Langenfeld).
Registration and further information on the Easter egg hunt can be obtained by calling 02655 962996.
Good luck, the Easter bunny!
Information on other special tours is available at www.grube-bendisberg.de.

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At a glance


  • April 20, 2025
    At 10:00
    and at 11:30
    and at 13:00
    and at 14:30


In der Eisenkaul 2
56729 Langenfeld


Besucherbergwerk "Grube Bendisberg" in Langenfeld
In der Eisenkaul 2
56729 Langenfeld
Phone: (0049)2655 962996


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