Schamanisches Festival
Jun 13, 2025 - Jun 15, 2025
The idea originated from a commission. The spirits wanted a platform for shamans with different focuses from all over Germany, for networking and visibility. The working method is in the foreground, not the idea of competition. Everyone involved in this festival is chosen with the heart, understands this philosophy, and carries it forward. Thus, a community arises that acts in love. Much is created through engagement and passion.
There is a program for those interested in shamanism including journeys, meditations, and rituals. For the shamans among you: you will find over 70 shamanically active individuals from all over Germany with booths, tents, etc. The outdoor area offers plenty of space for networking, getting to know each other, chatting, exchanging ideas, and eating together. The accompanying program includes dance, fire rituals, medicine circles, chakra work, journeys, meditations, music, and much more. Additionally, you can attend creative workshops on Friday. There is also a children's program with crafting, painting, meditating, etc. If you want to join, book your ticket.
In the evenings, we gather around the fire, share, and make music/sing, dance, laugh... Everything we feel like, what evolves spontaneously, and what takes place as surprise activities. There is catering, or you can take care of yourself. You are welcome to bring dogs, please read the information for that.
Let us celebrate the festival in love and harmony. With mutual respect and appreciation for Mother Earth.
LOKAH SAMASTAH SUKHINO BHAVANTU - may all beings in all worlds be happy. AHO