Tag der offenen Gärten

Tag der offenen Gärten

Jun 8, 2025


Several private garden owners open the gates to their mostly hidden green oases.

Take the opportunity to discover the variety of gardens in the municipality of Blankenheim. Be inspired by quaint retreats, lovingly designed gardens or the creation of kitchen gardens.

An overview of all participating gardens, the supporting programme and the event flyer can be found at www.blankenheim.de

Time: 11.00-17.00 hrs
Cost: free of charge
Location: Blankenheim, all villages
Info phone: 02449. 87224
Email: jgilles@blankenheim.de

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At a glance


  • Only at June 8, 2025
    At 11:00


Rathausplatz 16
53945 Blankenheim


Touristinformation Blankenheim
53945 Blankenheim
Phone: (0049) 2449 87222
Fax: (0049) 2449 87199

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