Wilde Orchideen in der Eifel - Orchideenblüte auf Borstgraswiesen

Wilde Orchideen in der Eifel - Orchideenblüte auf Borstgraswiesen

May 20, 2025


In contrast to the soils of calcareous grasslands, the soils of bristlegrass meadows are characterised by a low nutrient content and are therefore characterised by a diverse flora. There are also orchid species that are favoured or even only found on bristlegrass meadows. Although the species richness is lower, some sites have an impressively lush flowering aspect. On this excursion we want to take a closer look at the orchids (magnifying glass!) in order to recognise the variability of these beauties in addition to their fascinating aesthetic beauty. The geological conditions of soil formation, the sometimes changing anthropogenic interventions and today's care of the protected natural area can be traced in the field.

Price: € 10.00 per participant

Info/registration required by 4 pm the day before: Alfred Graff, mobile: 0172 2661284, email: vulkan-ag@arcor.de

Meeting point: near Jünkerath / Stadtkyll, exact meeting point will be announced by e-mail approx. one week before the event

Minimum and maximum number of participants: 6/12

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  • Only at May 20, 2025
    At 10:00


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