Wittlich, Wein & Wandern - kulinarische Käse-Wein-Wanderung
Oct 18, 2025
The cheese and wine hike leads along the 7 km long circular trail “Gradwanderung” along the Lieser and through the Wittlich vineyards with fascinating views of the town and the Wittlich valley. A total of 5 gourmet stations line the trail and offer exceptional taste experiences. Cheese sommelier Wolfgang Fusenig and the three Wittlich wineries Losen-Bockstanz, Lütticken and Mertes present exclusively selected cheese-wine combinations that guarantee delightful moments of enjoyment, especially of the local cheese culture. The “Hiking with pleasure” experience is rounded off with exciting stories about the cheese and wine culture of the greater region. Participants should allow around 4 hours for the guided hiking and gourmet experience.
Tickets for the wine enjoyment hike are available at https://www.ticket-regional.de/events_info.php?eventID=230906
and at the Tourist Information Wittlich Stadt und Land, Marktplatz, Wittlich
Meeting point: 11 a.m. at the Tourist Information Wittlich Stadt & Land in the “Old Town Hall”