Wittlicher Konzerte - Mark Taratushkin "Recital"

Wittlicher Konzerte - Mark Taratushkin "Recital"

Oct 5, 2024


Mark Taratushkin, winner of numerous piano competitions such as ‘A. Rubinstein’ (Paris), ‘The Muse’ (Santorini) and ‘Jakow Flier’ (Moscow), as well as laureate of the audience prize at the ‘San Daniele International Piano Meeting’, is an internationally successful soloist and chamber musician. Two years ago, he already thrilled the Wittlich audience with a Chopin programme. Born in the Ukraine, he began his musical education at the age of five. After studying at the Central Music School and later at the Moscow Tchaikovsky Conservatory with Professor N. Troull, he moved to Germany in 2013 to continue his studies with Professor G. Zitterbart at the Hanover University of Music, Drama and Media.

He is currently studying at the Berlin University of the Arts under Professor K. Hellwig. In recent years, Taratushkin has specialised in German Romanticism and music of the 20th century. As the winner of the Israeli music competition in Tel-Hai, he performed works by the Israeli composer Moshe Zorman as a world premiere. His interpretations of contemporary music were honoured with the ‘Lutoslawski Prize’ at the ‘Normandy European Piano Competition’. His debut album with pieces by Bartok and Prokofiev was released in February 2015. The concert programme offers a fascinating journey through different eras and styles of classical music. Mark Taratushkin opens the concert programme with a brief introduction to the style and work of the composers. This allows the audience to familiarise themselves directly with the special features of the artistic interpretation and gain their own impression of the music.

Admission: 6.30 p.m.

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  • Only at October 5, 2024
    At 19:00


Himmeroder Straße 47
54516 Wittlich


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54516 Wittlich

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